Saturday, October 4, 2008

21% raised: 88 days until I leave!

Well God must just be laughing at me today. After I wrote the post this morning about worry, WAY too much drama happened. I don't think I passed if I was being tested :(

We showed up to do the car wash at Val Vista and Guadalupe... and there was a girls soccer group doing a car wash at the gas station we had reserved. When one of the girls went in to talk to the supervisor- they at first tried to tell us that we didnt make a reservation. Then we proved that we had, we were basically told "sorry- this other group showed up and said they were from central, so we gave them the stuff" For the record- they were not. Then Halley and the girls drove to like 10 different gas stations to see if anyone would let us in at the last minute. We finally found a place and even with the threat of rain, made $202.02 towards my trip.

So my undying love goes out to my small group girls, Dan and the Shell station at greenfield/baseline.


Romi said...

OY, Cassie! So that explains it! I had rolled by around 1pm to the ValVista and Guadalupe station and didn't see you guys, other than the soccer team peeps. I was like, "What happened and where is everyone???" I asked the attendant who was pretty clueless. Well even in challenging times, God sure is faithful and good, isn't he!! Well since it's raining, it's probably a good thing I didn't get my car washed. Can I have a raincheck? ; ) See you at 3F tomorrow and no worries, k?

Brandy said...

I don't think God was laughing at you, He was just throwing something into the mix of things to see how you would handle it. :)
Twas' lovely to see you last night.