Monday, September 29, 2008

life makes it so hard sometimes to know whats real

17% raised for Spain: 93 days until I leave!

I had a really strange dream last night. I had to go to Spain to get something for my trip to Spain? Anyway... so in this dream, Halley, Brittany, Dan, Jared and I had to go back to Spain for a couple of days to get some papers signed for my trip. I woke up at 4ish and could not get back to sleep. I just have so many thoughts racing through my head- of what I need to get done, of the money I need to save/raise, the bills and things I need to take care of before I leave, and so much more. Most of all, this dream has me yearning to be back in Spain. In many many practical ways, I am not ready to leave yet, but I feel like emotionally I could leave right now.

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