Monday, November 10, 2008

you've got my only heart

32%: 51 days!

Every day I wake up and feel like a little bit more of my heart is in Spain... at least the part of it that hasn't been given away :) This gives me more hope every morning that I am making the right choice. The emotional freak outs are fewer and farther between (but I am sure they will be back in full force soon). I have been trying to protect my heart in the event that I don't get to go because of finances (and from another possibly heart-breaking situation), but I think I am in too far now. The pain will be real and it will take a long time to go away. Even just thinking of the possibility.... its not pretty.

Still trying to maintain faith that He will provide in His perfect timing!

1 comment:

Richard said...

Dude... have a car wash when I'm here!