Wednesday, November 5, 2008


29% raised: 56 days left

Whether or not you voted for Barack Obama, yesterday was a historic day in our country. Someday we will all get to tell our kids that we were a part of that.

It breaks my heart this morning to see the reactions from our country, especially Christians. There seems to be a sense of panic and fear among those who supported McCain, as if the country is going to end under Obama. There should be no room for this in our lives. We are called to be hope and light to the world. It almost makes me ashamed to see and hear some of the things that Christians are saying about Obama this morning. What kind of light and hope is that?

Our God is bigger than any president and any election, or any economic downfall. He let Barack Obama win because He is going to use that. OUR HOPE IS IN THE LORD, not in the president or the stock market. I think it is time for Christians to move on and support this new phase of our country.

I promise to now step off my soapbox and stay away from politics for awhile. :)