Monday, August 4, 2008

no one can find the rewind button

6% raised for Spain!

I think it is amazing how I have let busyness take over my life. I had my wisdom teeth out last Tuesday (which meant for a few days of couch sitting) and yesterday I became angry and frustrated because I didn't get more done. I was punishing myself for not being productive last week. Truthfully, I did get a few things done, but not nearly as much as I "should" have. It is sad how much our culture has pushed us into this belief that every moment should be put to use. Is it really that wrong to have 2 days of just enjoying rest?

1 comment:

Brandy said...

Yeah 6%.
I just wrote a devotional about being busy and ultimately being too busy for God.
I suffer from busyness all the time. And when I do actually take time to relax, I for some strange reason feel guilty.