Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I'm a locked room inside a tall tower

I love feeling loved by my team. We all got to have one-on-one time last night (in a rotation... like speed dating, but it was speed- love time). It gave me a lot to think about, but also a lot of encouragement and good feelings. What a great way to start the second half of the trip! We are now officially in the downhill side... 62 days left in Spain!

I have finals in my spanish classes this week, one tomorrow and one next monday. Also this weekend is Campamento! We are super excited and ready to go. Next week we also have some visitors in from the states, so it it going to be a very busy, but super fun couple of weeks.

In a few weeks is Semana Santa (like Spring Break) and I am not sure yet what I will be doing. I think Rebecca and I are just going to take a random trip somewhere. We are thinking about Santander and San Sebastian, which are on the northern coast of Spain. I'm excited and I hope that it works out for us to go!


Richard said...

That sounds awesome :). You should have pictures. Many pictures.

Brandy said...

Yay for exploring. I love to explore. Buena suerte con tus pruebras!